
We bridge clinical expertise and business needs to answer the most important questions facing health technology companies.

Our expertise spans broad areas of clinical medicine, biotechnology, and data analysis.

Our goal is to understand and address your unique challenges and friction points using our versatile skill set—stemming from our diverse background in clinical medicine, biomedical engineering, biotech startups, and research—to help bring ideas into the real world.

Digital Health

  • Clinical leaders for high-growth technology-driven digital health programs, managing team of clinicians and health coaches

    Design and execute studies to demonstrate patient-centered outcomes and ROI, tailored for stakeholders with diverse perspectives including healthcare payers, patients, employers, health systems.

    Champion product in partnership and sales meetings with health plans, employers, hospitals, academic institutions, biotech companies, disability companies, and other prospective customers

    Develop and execute new product, content, and service offerings for complex chronic illnesses

    Bridge clinical and business needs for overall company strategy

  • We have served roles from employee #3 at pre-seed startup to medical advisor for public companies focused on improving patient care and experience through digital health. We design and edit medical content, implement and analyze validated patient-centered outcomes, measure cost savings to payers, recruit thoughtful medical team members with relevant subject matter expertise, implement safe member triage practices, structure high-quality medical rounds to optimize member care through clinician input, and support discussions with customers, partners, venture capital, and health care payers.

Early Stage Startup

  • We are your in-house medical and scientific team, offering expertise from leading academic physicians, with front-line clinical knowledge, as well as extensive experience mentoring, advising, and working within early stage startups. We integrate into teams to be on-demand medical advisors and team members, participating in all aspects of product and business development — interfacing with every member of your team, from sales and marketing to engineering and clinical development. Through our ongoing involvement in academic medicine and industry, we blend our expertise in both worlds to help you succeed.

  • Craft strategic direction for product and services based on clinical expertise, knowledge of market needs, and discussions with network of physician, founder, and venture capital colleagues

    Developing content, product, and services to achieve MVP

    Articulate clinical value proposition and bolster scientific credibility through participation in critical partnership, sales, and funding meetings

Remote Patient and Therapeutic Monitoring

  • Using our expertise in healthcare delivery, policy, payment, and clinical medicine, we solve the key challenges companies face when succeeding in RPM and RTM. We help companies map the details of a patient and clinician’s journey when caring for these diseases, understanding the gaps that connected care can fill. RPM and RTM success also depends on understanding how physiological insights lead to action that improves outcomes. This is the key to an RPM value proposition — we answer these questions to move ideas to market.

  • Developed content for patient-facing app, including patient assessment with validated outcome measures, educational and health-coaching content, and data visualization of RPM data to motivate patient behavior

    Design provider-facing output from RPM and RTM device to summarize patient outcomes and disease status and facilitate optimal care

    Recruit and manage multidisciplinary care team to delivery services and support billing for RPM and RTM device

Medical Devices

  • We work with private and public companies on both ambulatory and inpatient medical devices. With training in both biomedical engineering and clinical medicine, our team members are able to bridge the gap between technology and the unmet needs of patients and clinicians. We have advised across the lifecycle of medical devices from conception to study to clinical implementation. We serve as medical advisors for design teams refining user interface and user experience. We help engineers understand clinical workflows and the diagnostic and therapeutic decision making processes, to create solutions that address unmet clinical needs and integrate seamlessly.

Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare

  • We are your in-house medical and scientific team, offering expertise from leading academic physicians, with front-line clinical knowledge, as well as extensive experience mentoring, advising, and working within early stage startups. We integrate into teams to be on-demand medical advisors and team members, participating in all aspects of product and business development — interfacing with every member of your team, from sales and marketing to engineering and clinical development. Through our ongoing involvement in academic medicine and industry, we blend our expertise in both worlds to help you succeed.

  • Craft strategic direction for product and services based on clinical expertise, knowledge of market needs, and discussions with network of physician, founder, and venture capital colleagues

    Developing content, product, and services to achieve MVP

    Articulate clinical value proposition and bolster scientific credibility through participation in critical partnership, sales, and funding meetings

Medical and Science Communication

  • Using our expertise in healthcare delivery, policy, payment, and clinical medicine, we solve the key challenges companies face when succeeding in RPM and RTM. We help companies map the details of a patient and clinician’s journey when caring for these diseases, understanding the gaps that connected care can fill. RPM and RTM success also depends on understanding how physiological insights lead to action that improves outcomes. This is the key to an RPM value proposition — we answer these questions to move ideas to market.

  • Developed content for patient-facing app, including patient assessment with validated outcome measures, educational and health-coaching content, and data visualization of RPM data to motivate patient behavior

    Design provider-facing output from RPM and RTM device to summarize patient outcomes and disease status and facilitate optimal care

    Recruit and manage multidisciplinary care team to delivery services and support billing for RPM and RTM device

Current and Prior Clients

Large and small pharmaceutical companies, device manufacturers, startups, hospitals and health care organizations, universities and medical schools, non-profits and advocacy organizations, attorneys, and media companies.